


最好就是設計一個小小的情境劇,讓小朋友上台 "演" 一下~

主題: 分辨 I, you, he, she, we

characters: A, B and C

A is with B and they meet C.

A is B and C's friend.

B and C don't know each other.


A says to C: Hi, how are you?

C: I'm fine, thank you. Who is she/he?

A: He/she is my friend.

C says to B: What's your name?

B: My name is....

C: How old are you?

B: I am....

A says to B: He/she is (name). He is 6 years old.

C says to B: Nice to meet you.

B says to C: Nice to meet you, too.

A: We can go to the park together.

B: Ok. Let's go!


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